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How PPE Suppliers Can Help Businesses Facing A

by:VUINO     2020-07-29
For businesses today it can be a little overwhelming browsing the range of personal protective equipment currently available from all good PPE suppliers. Today health and safety is paramount, and it's essential for any business, industry or organisation to make sure that they take advantage of the range of products available from PPE suppliers, so that contractors, employees and visitors are all safe from any possible risk.
But the real problem is that with so much choice it can be hard to know what to choose for certain situations. There are instances when common sense tends to suggest one thing, yet at the same time health and safety seems to say something else. The truth is that health and safety legislation regarding the use of personal protective equipment does include explicit statements which require businesses to use common sense and judgment where circumstances dictate the most obvious equipment may not be the most advisable.
But this has only resulted in some businesses becoming even more uncertain. Much of the problem is down to the fear businesses and employers have today of being sued for damages in the event a contractor, employee or visitor is hurt or injured as a result of having the wrong type of personal protective equipment (PPE), and so it is the combination of this fear of getting it wrong, the vast range of choice offered by PPE suppliers, and highly detailed yet open ended advice given by current health and safety legislation which is causing problems.
For example, the number of work gloves and safety gloves today is vast, and a brief look through the catalogues or websites of most major PPE suppliers will result in pages and pages of near identical looking safety gloves on offer, to cover almost any potential eventuality. This should be good news, and indeed it is, unless you find yourself caught between two potential risks, being unable to guard against both at the same time.
One clear example of this occurred recently, where a business which manufactured computer desks required certain employees to use a cutting tool for cutting the sheets of wood to the right size. It was decided that it was important for employees to wear safety gloves specifically designed to guard against injuries caused due to cutting, and appropriate gloves were therefore purchased. However, these gloves were effectively very thick gauntlets, made of a special material resistant to cutting. The problem was that the workers were required to wear these for several hours a day, which ended up with them becoming very uncomfortable. Their hands became sweaty, hot and even lost some of their feeling.
One worker discovered that after several hours his dexterity became impaired, and he ended up having an accident that would have been considered almost impossible previously, resulting in a cut forearm. After a chat with one of their main PPE suppliers it was realised that there was actually a more suitable alternative available, because the thick gloves that had been purchased, whilst designed to guard against cutting, were not suited for long term use.
Instead a pair of gloves was recommended which were thin, breathable cotton underneath, with a thick protective layer to guard against cutting across the back of the hand and the wrist. These provided a more appropriate form of protection, whilst also being comfortable to wear for the whole day. This was a clear case of a business not seeing the wood for the trees, and making what they thought was the right choice of personal protective equipment, whilst in fact making the wrong choice for their particular circumstances.
The best advice if in any doubt about what equipment is most advisable is not to guess, but to talk to PPE suppliers, explaining the circumstances, risks and needs, and asking for their advice. Whilst businesses face a wealth of choice, it's important to remember that it's the PPE suppliers who have the expertise as far as making the best choice is concerned, and benefiting from their advice is likely to increase safety, and decrease risk.

However, with the increased prevalence of personal protective equipment supplier, it has become far more affordable.
NINGBO WEINUO PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Co. LTD.’s mission is to use our extensive personal protective equipment supplier experience to deliver tangible business results enabling our clients in industry and government to profit from the advanced use of technology. We strive to build long-term client relationships based on mutual trust and respect.
To offer abundant options of product is an important factor to a company, such as personal protective equipment suppliersafety equipment suppliers to afford high-quality products for customers.
Before investing in a safety equipment suppliers personal protective equipment supplier, it can benefit to have an understanding of the different types of and the most effective strategies to safety equipment suppliers. Go to WEINUO PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT for more tips.
NINGBO WEINUO PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Co. LTD. has enlarged the scope of services, which can fully please customers' demands.
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