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While the construction sector slowly starts to rebuild and operate within the new realms of work, construction workers are now invited back onto sites to help get building projects back on track!

However, as we know, it is not now a case of simply going back to work, but rather returning to work safely, considering all-new safety guidance to help reduce the risk of transmission of Coronavirus.


Protective gear for construction workers is vital in helping to keep everyone on site safe and secure.

Providing a line of defence against accidents and injury PPE for construction has always been a necessary must.

Today, in light of the current pandemic, safety equipment such as eye and face protection and the use of disposable gloves, has never been so important.

However, it is important to note that additional PPE is not always required, and full risk assessments must be carried out and observed before any work begins.

Risk assessments now need to include matters of social distancing, forming work “bubbles,” making face masks compulsory, and so much more.

Face shields and visors for all not required, should also be included as part of the risk assessment for what safety equipment could potentially be required.

Workwear and knee pads for construction workers also falls into this category now, where hi-vis in different colours may be used to identify different teams. Different types of materials may be considered to help reduce the rate of transmission.

Disposable clothing items will also become part of the norm across some industries, as well as uniforms becoming mandatory.

Disposable shoe coverings may also be needed if working in people’s property and disposable gloves, with facilities made available to dispose of these properly after use.

Best Safety Gear for Construction Workers

There is a great deal of expectation and indeed pressure placed on employers during this time, especially when it comes to providing a COVID 19 secure workplace.

Within construction, the guidance highlights how work can be carried out safely during the pandemic and the controls and measures that need to be put in place to help.


Below we’ve provided a brief outlook at some of the main safety points to consider when working on-site and as you prepare to return to building works in the future. 

1. Take all necessary precautions when travelling to work. Walking and cycling are the most preferred methods of transport at the moment; however, if this is not feasible and you have to take public transportation, face masks must be worn as a minimum.

2. Employers should look to stagger start and finish times to help manage social distancing and avoid everyone showing up on-site at the same time.

3. Businesses will need to carry out full risk assessments and put necessary training in place for any additional safety gear or PPE that maybe being introduced as part of the new measures.

4. Use PPE correctly! On construction sites, personal protective equipment manufacturer is not new. Things such as hi-vis clothing, safety helmets, gloves, eye protection, and face masks, have often always formed part of construction life. Now, these pieces of PPE should continue to be used and encouraged more, as required.

5. Limit external visitors coming onto sites. With fewer people on-site, social distancing will be easier to maintain.

6. Keep your workplace clean. All surfaces should be thoroughly wiped clean and disinfected regularly. Frequent touch points should all be wiped down after use, and good hygiene practices such as hand washing should also be carried out.

7. Hand sanitisers should be made readily available and located at different points around the site.

8. Signs and posters should be used as visual reminders about staying alert and good hand hygiene.

9. Project and site managers must manage deliveries on-site and the interaction that needs to occur during this time, i.e., drivers should stay in their vehicles, and those loading and unloading should be kept to a minimum.

10. Cleaning of construction safety equipment and any equipment that is used by different people is vital! Pieces of equipment such as hand tools, controls, or any type of machinery, need to be sanitised after each use.
