Professional Personal Protective Equipment Manufacturer Weinuo

                                           Free tax to USA Made in Thailand

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Does WEINUO have agents in foreign countries?
Presently, NINGBO WEINUO PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Co. LTD. needs agents working in overseas countries. We believe that a broker can help promote brand image and increase the popularity of our protective knee pads. Due to the ongoing imperfect sales system in the foreign market, we're still trying our best to accomplish this great goal. With the expanding overseas business, we're in an urgent need of searching for trusted agents to assist us.
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WEINUO is expanding its factory scale to get higher capacity for military rucksack. WEINUO's personal protective equipment manufacturer series include multiple types. It has the required colorfastness. It is able to withstand normal laundering/dry cleaning cycle without color loss. It comes with a washing label containing product parameters and notes. This product has achieved good results in practical applications. It can be designed with expansion pleats for extra comfort and flexibility.
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Implementing the policy of military rucksack and striving to promote development of VUINO are our present goal. Get info!

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