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The size and materials of the knee padas

The size and materials of the knee padas


Knee pads are not meant for strict athletes alone. A lot of people but their knees through a lot of stress throughout their day. The mom who has to lift her toddlers constantly. The woman who is on her knees always gardening. The postman who is delivering mail. They all carry a lot while going about their business throughout the day. You do not have to be a professional athlete to consider sports knee pads. A lot of people put general stress on their knees throughout their day. The difference that an extra amount of added weight places on your knees should not be discarded. Imagine carrying an 18-month old baby weighing anywhere from 22 – 30 pounds throughout the day. 

If you’ve already suffered a knee injury, then you need to protect yourself. People who have already been injured need to protect themselves. Let’s say you suffered a fall on the ice during one of those extreme winters. Even though your knees aren’t experiencing any pain, it doesn’t mean some lasting damage does not remain. While you can’t go back to fix that damage, you can take steps to avoid any further damage in the future. The best part is that knee pads have so advanced that you can now find the ones that are so comfortable, they fit under your everyday pants.

If you’re experiencing any soreness or any budding sigh of injury, it would be better for you if you err on the side of caution. Don’t forget; you can rarely reverse an injury. You hurt your knees once, and you can damage them for life. Additionally, because you can’t stay off them, you’ll find that they’re not healing properly. Remember that injuries are rarely reversible. Most people with a minor knee injury do one of two things – ignore it and keep going, or rest with ice on it for a few hours and then they return to their routine. It is important that you do not stop taking good care of yourself. After all, you want your knees to serve you for a lifetime, so why not treat them right.

It’s not too late to protect yourself if you already have an old injury. Although the damage can’t be reversed, you can still make better decisions for your future. Knee pads are something you should consider wearing – even if not full – at least whenever you engage in high impact activities.

Knee pads are can also be a mental gem. If as a player, you find yourself holding back because of an injury scare, then knee pads are just what you need. They absorb the impact normally meant for your legs, and that’s why they are so important for an athlete.

Knee Pad Materials

When you go shopping for neoprene knee pads, you’ll be face with a lot of options. Generally, the ones you’ll come across will have some type of thick, shock-absorbing padding similar to memory foams or high density foams and are held together by fabric.

The first element of a knee pad is the padding. If you ever come across a mattress made of either one (memory foams or high-density foams), place your hand on it and press down. When you bring it up, you’ll find that the foam retains the shape of your handprint. Why? Because of the makeup. Memory foam is polyurethane with added chemicals to increase viscosity and density. The high-density type is capable of molding itself to the body. The function of the padding is to provide stable production while maintaining its comfort and level of flexibility. If you’re going to be moving a lot or will be in one position for long periods of time, then you want something comfortable.

Think of a typical volleyball player. They stay on the court sometimes up to an hour. And this court is indoors with hard floors – hard enough to cause serious injury if you aren’t protected. Not only is the player faced with the potential for injury, he or she also has to be constantly moving for the duration of the game. Because of that, they’ll require comfortable equipment and not ill-fitting ones that will end up hampering them.

The second element of a knee pad is its fabric. Different types of materials are used as the fabric. You can find pads with mesh shells, cotton shells, and other types of shell. Don’t forget that the fabric is what will be in contact with your skin the entire time you have your pads on.

Before you leave a shop with your protective knee pads, always endeavor to try them on. You’ll find more information on how to fit them as well as sizing below. But because this is an equipment that is meant to cater for your body, you want only the best fit. For that reason, it is always advisable for you to test them out. Apart from the size, you’ll also need to consider how it feels against your skin since you’ll most likely be wearing it for long periods of time.


Sizes and How to Measure Your Knee Circumference

When getting your knee pads, it is always important that you get the right size. This is why you need to know how to measure your knee circumference properly and consider all the various sizes. Three areas of concern when measuring your knees include:

The area above the knee where the pad will rest on.

The middle part of the knee

The lower leg where the lowest part of the pad will lay.

Once you’ve gotten all these measurements, you’re going to find the right knee pad using the second measurement (the middle of the knee). The manufacturer will hand you their sizing chart so make sure you select the middle number to them, so you’ll leave with the right size. If you’re making a purchase for a child, make sure you measure a few times a season, so you don’t have to end up buying the wrong size.
